CCR Hosting

Save Money by Posting Your CCR Online

ccr-hosting-computersDrinking Water Utilities now have the opportunity to save significantly related to the delivery of their required annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). EPA and the Kentucky Division of Water now allow electronic delivery of the CCR if you meet their guidelines.  Utilities can post their electronic CCR on their own website or KRWA can provide this service.

The likely and most popular method for water utilities to deliver the CCR will be to place a statement along with a  direct URL link on each water bill.  The short statement will inform customers where they can view, review and print a copy of their CCR report online.

Get Started in Three Easy Steps?

  • Request online hosting service by either purchasing online, calling or emailing the KRWA office.
    Kentucky Rural Water Association
    Phone: (270) 843-2291
    email Bryan Burns:
  • Send KRWA an electronic version of the most current CCR, preferably in it’s original format (Word, Excel, etc.)
  • KRWA will email you a direct link to your CCR, which can be used on your billing or other customer correspondents.

Submit Your CCR Today

50-dollarsKRWA is now offering online submittals.  KRWA will host any member’s electronic CCR for $50 per year and provide the link and language that you need to include on your customer billing.

If you are already signed up for the Compliance Check Program or have purchased KRWA’s Recordkeeping Package we will include online CCR Hosting at no additional cost!

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